Sunday 6 June 2021

Lazy Sunday

I haven’t done a great deal today as I haven’t been feeling too well, but we did go to the boot sale as usual and went a bit earlier as we were both up and about by 6.30am. It was quite busy again and I just bought a jigsaw and some plants for the garden. Darren bought a couple of bits for Tina. We passed this box and it made me smile!
I had a chat with Anya on Facebook and did do a little bit of weed pulling and hoeing in the walled garden as it is already getting weedy again. Then I tried to make a wigwam of canes to give the winter clematis to climb up! There is still weed suppressant in that area so the canes are not in well and will probably come down when it is windy. I will try to strengthen it tomorrow.
There is an unusual plant in one of the sink planters, the buds form under a skin which is attractive and then the flowers are like bells.
The plants I bought were two dwarf sunflowers and a different variety of hollyhock that has single flowers.
I watched the Grand Prix and then got on with the dinner. I had a wander round the garden as I have a bit of a headache. Watching a Marple now, one that I have read.


  1. You’ve probably been doing way too much lately, with the garden and everything else you do. You should take it easy for a few days and leave the garden to its own devices. It’ll still be there when you’re feeling a bit better, sadly!
    You were out early this morning. But early bird and all that. You didn’t fancy a free box of clutter then? 😊
    The bits of the walled garden I can see don’t look too bad. Very rustic I would say. That plant looks more like it should have a very large insect forming in it rather than anything else! Nature does produce weird things at times.
    I hope the headache goes before you get to bed so you can at least have a fare chance of a good night!

  2. You’ve probably been doing way too much lately, with the garden and everything else you do. You should take it easy for a few days and leave the garden to its own devices. It’ll still be there when you’re feeling a bit better, sadly!
    You were out early this morning. But early bird and all that. You didn’t fancy a free box of clutter then? 😊
    The bits of the walled garden I can see don’t look too bad. Very rustic I would say. That plant looks more like it should have a very large insect forming in it rather than anything else! Nature does produce weird things at times.
    I hope the headache goes before you get to bed so you can at least have a fare chance of a good night!

  3. You must have pressed the button twice tonight!
    That flower is weird and amazing to see.will endeavour to stay awake to the end of Marple.

  4. I didn’t think I’d pressed it twice, but must have done.
