Thursday 10 June 2021

The rain missed us again!

More of the lack of rain later, it does seem to be all or nothing of late!
I didn’t feel like an early walk today so gave it a miss. I prepared some veg for soup and got them into the slow cooker and just a couple of chores and then went with Tina to Freeport as she had some slippers to return. We had a drink and a bacon sandwich and did a crossword puzzle together before she went to Beverley to have lunch with a friend. We both had deliveries arriving today, Tina’s was cat food and mine bird food! I was in the garden by the time they arrived so put them indoors and unpacked them later in the day.
I had been going to do a lot of gardening as it was overcast and a lot cooler, but before long the sun came out again and it got very hot, I worked on the corner where the triffids are, the weeds love the sun as much as the triffids!

I did work at it for over an hour, not that you would think I had.

I was trying to get inspiration for a couple of gifts this afternoon and have looked again this evening but to no avail!
I went out at teatime and watered both of the gardens which takes a while. I had some of the soup which turned out well and then went with Tina to Mappleton. We managed to park, we wondered if we could as they have introduced double yellow lines to stop people parking along the road leading up to the car park. We were lucky and there were a couple of spaces. Some pics, one a bit arty!

Then we went to Morrow Avenue in Hornsea to see the sea again!

Some photos of the wonderful sunken garden there.

A couple of out of sync photos now. This morning Tina got me a cute little sign for the fairy garden.
And I saw a tiny caterpillar on the winter clematis, literally about a centimetre long. It was very windy and it took a few attempts to get it in fox au with the phone!
I am hoping it will be cloudy tomorrow so that I can attack more of the growing number of weeds!


  1. Glad you managed to get out to Freeport, even if it was only for a bacon sandwich 😊
    I thought it was going to be a cooler day today too. It was cloudy when I got up and quite a nice temperature, but sadly the clouds soon disappeared and it got mega hot. I know we shouldn’t really moan as it’s not often we get this sort of weather, and I’m sure we’ll all complaining when it goes back to the normal miserable British weather.
    The hours worth of gardening you did made quite a difference. It looks very neat and tidy, and I’m sure the passers-by will be impressed.
    Your evening trip out to Mappleton produced some really nice photos. Lots of colour which is lovely. It does seem a really nice place. The one that I really like is a low shot of the poppies in the sunken garden with a bit of sky at the top. I’m sure you can work out which one I’m talking about!
    The fairy garden is coming along nicely, that’s a really cute sign. It took me a couple of glances at the following photo before I spotted the caterpillar.
    Light cloud and a moderate breeze here all day tomorrow, apparently. That’s pretty much what they said about today to and they were wrong!

  2. Quite a good day and the trip out this evening was good as it was still pleasantly warm but not baking.
