Friday 18 June 2021

Feeling a bit crafty!

Today has been a wet one, not heavy rain but plenty of good steady light rainfall which is perfect for giving the garden a proper drink.
Last night I had the idea of using a second layer of fabric on a piece of machine embroidery, but sandwiched rather than on top. So I did a drawing of a plant I got for Mother’s Day and cut the shape out in green fabric. I have some very fine cotton so that it could be seen through the to layer. Ready then for continuing when ai was ready.

I went to the shop fairly early to get something for lunch and it was already spitting with rain. I planned to walk up to Freeport and back for a change, but called in to see Carol and Sal and ended up chatting, so Carol gave me a lift to Freeport. After a drink and a bit of shopping ai did walk back. Along a very green and overgrown Polly’s Path and spotted one pretty pink flower among all the other weed.

I walk by the cemetery regularly but haven’t really taken photos. It is restful and very well maintained.
I can’t say I have ever seen, or maybe just not looked at cookers forming, this was low enough for me to get a reasonable picture with the phone.
Spent the afternoon sewing the plant image and am pleased with the result.
Whilst in craft mood I find a quick sketch on one of my pig ornaments this evening.
Now it is just shall I shan’t I watch the football, I will hear it anyway as it has been very loud next door for about three hours now!


  1. It’s been extremely wet here too, but still quite warm. But as you say if you do the garden good. But we’ll all be moaning soon that the weather is too wet and we want the sun back!
    I think the drawing on its own of the plant is pretty good, but I like the idea of sandwiching the green between two layers of cloth. Very clever thinking there. Jumping ahead in the pictures to the finished result, I have to say it’s great. You really are getting the hang of that new machine now.
    Glad you got out for a bit of a walk today. Probably good the walking was only one way in the weather we’re having. Probably sounds morbid but I like looking around cemetery’s occasionally. Some of the inscriptions are really interesting and the stones themselves make good photo subjects.
    The pig drawing is very good. I can definitely say that as I know exactly which ornament it is and it looks just like it.
    Shame you don’t drink. You could have had more fun having a few gins than watching football. 🍹

  2. It was nice to have a crafty afternoon and good when an idea works.
    Was good to out for a bit of a walk and a natter thrown in.
