Thursday 29 April 2021

World Wish Day.

Quite an appropriate day today as a couple of my wishes may come true! I phoned the sewing machine shop and the owner said that as far as he knew the machine should be with me by mid May which was the last news I had. He said I am to of the list as I have been waiting the longest! He will let me know when it arrives and will send details fo dispatch and tracking. I write a lot of letters, a long time ago I had a bureau for a while in Peterborough, I bought an upright writing cabinet but it hasn’t been successful as it creaks a lot and is not really stable. So for a while now I have been looking at Davenports, usually well out of my price range but it has become a bit of an obsession. I looked at the auction in Scarborough for this week, none in this week, so decided to just look up Davenports on came up on eBay, very reasonable price and collection only, wait for it, from Scarborough! Tina is collecting her new car in Scarborough next week so hopefully the sale will go through and it will be coming home next week.
More about that and where it is going later!
Tina was meeting a friend in Beverley today so Darren took me to Bridlington, quite a get about week! He was going to his gaming shop and I was gong to a material shop to get what I needed to finish the lap quilt. A fabulous little material shop and she had a sale on the fabric. She also had the batting so I got material, batting and thread. Just need to get busy assembling it now.
The traffic was terrible getting into Bridlington and the car park was pretty full by the harbour. But the town didn’t seem too over crowded. We had a some chips and a cuppa at a chippie that had some seats outside. Took a shot of the town from there.
Quite a few shots of a different seaside.

The three of us finished off the jigsaw puzzle, a real fun one to do.
I have been clearing the upright writing desk and I will send it to an auction along with some other pieces of furniture to be decided on. Time to make some space so a continuation of my sorting. Tina has a couple of things to put in the auction as well, so well will make it worth getting them all there.
It has been a chilly wind today, but we did get a little rain. There was hail on the lawn when I went out to feed the birds this morning and it wasn’t melting!


  1. It definitely sounds like some of your wishes are coming true, or stand a good chance of coming true at least. The order of the sewing machine has dragged on a little, but with things as they are at the moment I suppose it’s to be expected. Hopefully there won’t be any more delays and it will arrive when he says it will arrive. Fingers crossed. As for the Davenport that’s great news as I know you’ve wanted one of those for a long time. There’ll be no stopping you writing letters now. I’ll have to sort out a new fountain pen for you 😊
    You are getting out about this week. But after being locked away for so long make the most of it while you can. It doesn’t look too busy in Bridlington at all. It’s a nice place and you have some nice pictures. I like the colour of your material, very clerical. Another job you’ve got to find time for!
    More clearing in readiness of a new desk, when will all this clearing end?! At least it gives you an excuse to send some stuff off to auction. Not something I’ve ever done so I’ll be interested to see how you get on with it. Hopefully you’ll make a fortune, but we’ll see 😊

  2. It would be good to get the wishes on World Wish Day, I will blog the outcomes!
    I like Bridlington and good to find a lovely fabric shop there.
    I haven't sold at an auction, will be a new experience.
