Tuesday 13 April 2021

Scrabble Day!

Wish I had realised it was Scrabble day earlier, would have prepped Darren up for a game! Although he has gone to archery for the firs time in a long while this is evening.
I have spent most of the day doing household chores and getting stuff together ready for out trip tomorrow. Then this afternoon I made sure everything was ship shape in the garden, making sure my trees and all the plants under cover were watered, dug up some bluebells for Mike and cleaned the bird baths while they weren’t frozen!
I put some cat crunchies in a small bucket to take upstairs, as the cats eat upstairs and downstairs and I wanted to make sure Darren had plenty of stuff in the right places while we are away. Blue, obviously thought this was a great new food dish!
The only other photos today are of some of the bonsai trees that are coming into leaf.


  1. Shame you didn’t get a game of Scrabble with Darren, but it’s good that he’s managed to get back to archery. I bet he’s been missing that.
    Sounds like you’ve kept busy preparing for your trip. I’m sure Darren will remember all the little tasks he has to do. But I suppose remembering is okay as long as he actually carries them out as well 😊
    Those bonsai have done quite well over the years, and they’ve done done a few hundred miles too! I never realised how much work was involved in keeping them until you started having them. No wonder they’re so expensive to buy fully grown.
    Hope you get a good nights sleep in readiness for your trip, I’m looking forward to seeing you as it’s been a very long time.

    1. A strange day really and feeling a bit off colour made it more so, but I feel like I have done most of what I planned to so that is good.
      It will seem strange to be on a little road trip, but in a good way.
