Thursday 8 April 2021

Burton Agnes gardens

Quite an active day today by my standards. I went out to post a couple of letters and Trent walk to the sea front before eight. It is still chilly but the bird baths weren’t frozen so not quite as icy! There was an off shore wind which makes the waves look like horses manes (well, to me anyway!) but difficult to catch with the phone! This was the best ai managed and then took one of the sky.

As Tina was off today she suggested we go to feed the ducks at the pond in Burton Agnes. They enjoyed their duck food and we even brought a little back as they had eaten enough. We did have quite a big bag full each!
We then went up to Burton Agnes Hall and gardens. The house wasn’t open but the extensive grounds were. I haven’t been in the grounds before, it is lovely and some great sculptures.
Loved these birds, would have loved to whisk them away to our lawn!
That circular structure on the water was actually moving slowly, thought I was imagining it at first.
Neither of us had seen new growth on a monkey puzzle tree before.
Now some sculptures.

Quite a few of the trees had been made into fairy houses, this one even had a swing!
The mosaics were interesting.

A fountain and a smaller wire sculpture in the walled gardens.

Then leaving via the church!
We stopped at Sigglesthorne garden centre on the way home, got a standard daisy type plant to go in the new pot, an everlasting sweet pea and a few veg plants. The flowers will be okay outside, have put the veg in the tomato greenhouse for now,
I sold a couple more bits on eBay so had another walk to the post office this afternoon! Tired by the time I got home so haven’t done a great deal since. Will end on a somewhat silly note, when I went out to put the fox food down I spotted this poo face!!


  1. You really have been busy today! You normally fit quite a bit in, but you seem to have excelled yourself today. You should sleep well tonight.
    The sea really does look rough in your photo. The tops of the waves to look like horses manes, in fact they bring to mind the Lloyds bank advert.
    I’m amazed the ducks didn’t eat every scrap of food you took, they are normally very greedy things!
    The sculptures at that house are really nice. I think the rabbit is my favourite. I also think that the fish mosaic in the cobbles is brilliant. I’d like one of those myself. Definitely worth a whole day there when the weather is nicer.
    I saw the face in the poo straight away, before I realised it was poo 😊
    Photographers, they’ll take pictures of anything!

    1. It has been a pretty busy day, an unexpected walk round the grounds at Burton Agnes, somewhere I would like to visit again.
      The ducks were very well behaved except for a couple stroppy drakes!
      Probably get back to the garden tomorrow!
