Friday 9 April 2021

National Unicorn Day!

Unicorns, such a popular image now, easy to see the attraction and some lovely illustrations around,
Today has had a bit of variety, first think was to rescue a very pretty, small spider that had somehow found it’s way into a litter tray. I have never seen one like it before, hopefully it was happy outside!
Talking of spiders a lady went by with a fabulous spider brooch on today, she had stopped to talk to me while I was working on the step area at the top of the front garden. I did a fair bit of root digging but had so far only lifted five of the pavers!
Going to be a while before they have all been moved!
Made a cake for a certain birthday boy, he doesn’t often go on the blog so hopefully today won’t be an exception!
I got the standard daisy plant into the new planter, have it in the walled garden at the moment, may think of somewhere else.
Made a card as well, although I had painted the dragon a while ago.
I have an appointment for my second Covid jab on the 17th April, which is good, and of course on Monday I am at the hospital to see the surgeon.
Can’t finish today’s entry with out mentioning The Duke of Edinburgh, such sad news.


  1. You don’t see many photo’s of unicorns though 😊
    A litter tray is definitely not a good place to be. Could either get eaten or......well I’ll leave that to your imagination. Definitely happier outside, even if it doesn’t know it.
    You’ve dug a fair chunk of that bit of path now. And it looks so much better. I can imagine it was damn hard work though. Knowing you it won’t be that long before they’ve all been moved and it’s finished!
    The cake looks very funky, I think he’ll definitely be liking that. I could eat a slice of it now to be quite honest. I think he’ll like his card too. Hope he has a nice day tomorrow. No asking him to do little jobs 😊
    The new plant really suits that pot. The walled garden is probably a good place for it as I would imagine it wouldn’t be too keen on being in an open windy area.
    A real shame about the Duke of Edinburgh. He may have come across as a bit of grouchy old bugger at times, but she’s really going to miss him. 🇬🇧

    1. The path will look better for a while, I won’t manage to get all the roots out but the big chunks have been removed.
      Hopefully Darren will have a good day, no little jobs for him so he will be happy to be left alone with his various projects.
