Saturday 3 April 2021

Fish Fingers and Custard Day!

Fish and chips with curry, gravy or mushy peas, but custard?
I did go to the post office this morning as I had sold some items on eBay, I used the trolley as they were quite heavy. Then we sorted the shopping and since then I have been continuing with sorting. Well, mainly in the spare room, going through the mountains of stuff for a boot sale. I sorted in to different boxes according to price, very cheap prices at that. Sorted books roughly into categories and labelled the boxes. The spare room now looks considerably better than it did a while ago!
When I had a break I sat with my feet up but Pandora settled for staying on the window seat as she was quite comfy!
We had dinner at lunch time as Tina had a service this evening so I just carried on through the afternoon. I have huge amounts of recycling to go to the tip, but all in all a rather boring but successful day.
When I went out to feed the foxes I took some early evening pictures.

That one and the next one show the garden from different angles.
The light on the church was lovely this evening.
Went down for a shot of the sky a bit later!
Will finish with an obscure word today.
Gnathonic (adj.): Flattering in a sycophantic or toady way; fawningly servile.


  1. That sounds disgusting. I’ll eat most things but fishfingers and custard is definitely a no-no.
    Sounds like you’ve had a good day with the sorting. The bedroom definitely looks different to the last picture I saw of it. Hopefully car boot sales will start again before too long so you can get rid of some of it.
    Pandora does look comfortable on that window seat. Oh to be a cat!
    The garden looks really nice in the pictures again. You definitely have reason to be proud of that.
    More great pictures tonight as usual. The last picture on the blog most nights blows me away and tonight is no exception. That’s a cracker!
    Great word to finish with.

    1. It is surprising how much time it takes when you are trying to do a proper job of sorting things, I feel quite weary now but am pleased with what I have managed to get done. Now that stuff is sorted I can get back to looking through the places I haven’t started on yet!
      I am enjoying how the garden is looking, just got to keep on top of it now.
