Wednesday 7 April 2021

Metric System Day!

Oh dear, I am am imperial girl really, but do try! Still measure in inches and cook in lbs and ounces, can use metric if pushed though!
Very chilly again today with frozen bird baths again, I thought the wind had dropped first thing but it seemed to pick up again.
While I have been sorting I have been breaking down cardboard boxes and had a mountain of stuff so Tina and I took it up to the tip today and the went on to the Randa garden centre. Not a fancy place, some ramshackle greenhouses but lots of good stuff and plenty of healthy plants. I had wanted to get some veg plants but they won’t be in until next week. Did but quite a lot of perennials for the garden though, some were inside so I had to make space in the greenhouse and move some bird food around! Got two shrubs as well which will be fine outside and some compost and a great little planter!

I walked down to the post office before lunch, had to wait in a queue for about fifteen minutes which meant my non operation knee was really grumbling on the way home. Went straight home via a couple of shops. I watched a recorded program on the tv and then went off to the post office again as something else I had sold had been paid for. No queue this time so walked up to have a look at the sea.

It was pretty chilly and the sea was rough, but quite a few people around and sitting at picnic benches.
Not planning to do a lot this evening, I am sure I can find something to watch on the tv.


  1. I can measure in metric now, although it took me a long time to start using it, but I always cook using pounds and ounces.
    It has been a very cold day today. It looked lovely through the window, nice blue skies and sunshine, but when I went outside I nearly froze! Can’t believe it was in the 20s last week!
    Sounds like you’ve done a fair bit of walking today, so it was nice to go out for a trip in the car I bet. Looks a very nice tray of plants you have there, they look very healthy. I love the pot, it has a great finish on it.
    The seas do look a bit rough in those pictures, but I bet it won’t stop the hordes descending on the Hornsea!
    Enjoy a quiet evening.

  2. I love that pot, not sure how that bubbly finish is done but very attractive. The plants there are healthy looking and very reasonably priced.
    I have done a fair bit of walking with the couple of trips out, glad I went to look at the sea the second time.
