Wednesday 28 April 2021

Bus to Hull,

Not a long entry today but a few nice photos of the fountain in Hull. I did some chores before going out,  long time since I got on to the bus to head into Hull. Quite an enjoyable and interesting journey in. I have a reputation for having random people start talking to me anywhere, anytime, had one yesterday a today a man sitting near me started emptying his rucksack and showing me all his bargains from the charity shop! We had a lady bus driver who had to do two emergency stops today which woke a few people up! On the journey we go along a road called Dancing Lane, I would love to live in a road called Dancing Lane and it always makes me smile when I see the sign. It was sad as we approached the town centre to see a lot of shops with the shutters up.
My main reason for going to town was to visit the sewing shop as the quilt I started needs to be finished whether I get the new machine or not. I eventually found the right road and the shop was closed! But I enjoyed getting into the city centre, had some lunch and then went across to the fountain, the flower beds around it were stunning and the sun had come out to show them at their best. I will post a few shots.

One more picture, the bus home stopped by the water and there was graffiti along the walls.
This afternoon I have been doing some sorting, it is never ending! Then after tea I watered the back garden.


  1. Glad you made it into Hull. I know you like going there. You do manage to attract the strangest of people when you’re out and about. But I suppose it could have been much worse than him emptying his rucksack to show you his bargains 😄
    Shame the shop was closed, but I’m sure just the trip was nice for a change. Having seen the lunch you had there, it was worth the trip just for that.
    You have some really nice pics too. The flower beds do look amazing. So much colour, lovely. The fountains are quite spectacular too.
    A nice trip out. You should get back to your little jaunts ASAP now things are easing a bit. Coming back to more sorting doesn’t sound too thrilling though! But it has to be done I suppose.

  2. Although it takes over an hour to get into the city it doesn’t seem that long as it is quite a pretty journey. I will get out and about a bit more now, it makes a change and does feel more ‘normal’ whatever that is now!
