Monday 19 April 2021

First day of milk delivered to the door!

We have been talking about having a milkman again and today was our first delivery. Tina ordered a container as well as our doorstep is in full sun.we even got a free bottle of orange juice today as a welcome gift!
I had a another package to send off so went down to the post office and then up to look at the sea. A Misty morning so quite subtle colours today,

I spent time before lunch working in the garden, back to the path up near the garden bin. A took another picture of where I had got to and another one when I went to get lunch. Quite a few people talked to me about the garden as the town is getting much busier now,

Went out again after lunch, had hoped I may get all the way along but still have four pavers to lift!
After tea I got the hose out and gave the back garden and walled garden a good watering. I did have the greenhouse door open during the day today as I will soon need to get the small plants out to harden off.
Pandora got on my lap when I sat down and I didn’t get her to move for over an hour so doing the blog a bit later!
I have a lady that talked to me when I was out in the garden a few days ago coming to help for a while tomorrow afternoon, then we will be able to have tea on the lawn!


  1. It’s been such a long time since I’ve seen a proper bottle of milk with a foil cap. Very nostalgic. Like the carrier too. It’ll annoy the birds that they can’t peck through the bottle tops to get the cream!
    I think the mist adds to the sea pictures. It blurs the horizon which makes it better.
    That bit of garden at the front is coming on. Looks like you did a fair bit today. Certainly makes a big difference. Hope you’ve not overdone the garden duties today. It’ll be nice to have a companion for a bit more gardening tomorrow, and it’ll be a bit easier on you.
    Tea on the lawn at the vicarage, how posh 😊

  2. It seems to have been a full day, but productive so that is good.
    The sea pictures when it is misty are nice and a bit different,
    We will do a bit in the back garden together tomorrow afternoon. I may try and do a bit more of the path in the morning.
