Friday 23 April 2021

St George’s Day

Interestingly my calendar didn’t mention St George’s Day today, it mentioned World Book Night and Talk Like Shakespeare Day!
Another Lunny photo today of a pretty fabulous sunrise.
Sometimes I have lots of birds waiting for me to put the food out, today just a seagull and a crow as I made my way indoors.
I haven’t felt overly bright today so haven’t done a great deal. I went to the shop early and took a couple of pictures in the front garden on my way back.
I did a bit of tidying in my sitting room as it was becoming more cluttered that usual.
After lunch I started the jigsaw that Anya got me for Christmas, which I received last week when we went to Peterborough. I thought some edge pieces were missing but ai had put the picture on top of them! So edge now done and I have done a bit more since.
I went onto the Escape Pain website and went through the first session of exercises. It is a six week program and there are two sessions each week. Quite a variety of exercises and I have now ordered some resistance bands as a few of the exercises needed them. I will endeavour to keep to the program.
When Tina and ai were going through the shopping order in her office Pandora came up onto the back of the chair near me, so Tina took this rather nice photo.
I got the hose into the wheelbarrow and took it into the front garden, then was able to water the whole of the front garden without too much trouble. Tina has ordered a long hose so that we h ave one permanently in the front garden, that will make watering a lot easier.


  1. Forsooth, I knew not it was talk like Shakespeare day. Thank ye kind lady for bringing this fact to my waning mind.
    Lunny must have thousands of fantastic sunrise shots. If I lived by the sea I’d buy a dog just so I could go out early every morning.
    Sorry you haven’t felt too bright today, but an easier day will have hopefully helped and you’ll be fighting fit and raring to go tomorrow. The garden looks spectacular in the pics. So colourful. I bet you get a lot of pleasure from seeing the fruits of your hard work.
    I can see why Anya got you that jigsaw. Glad you eventually found the pieces as it would’ve spoiled it slightly.
    I hope the exercises help a bit, but nothing ventured nothing gained as they say. You might enjoy them so much that you keep on doing them after the course finishes.
    That is a nice photo of you and Pandora. She is a soft sloppy cat.
    The new hose for the front garden is a good idea, as anything that makes life easier is worth having. What would make life even easier would be to get a gardener!

  2. Love the Shakespeare speak! You may start a trend! The front garden is very colourful that is why the watering is necessary, would be a shame for it all to dry and die now,
    You can reset the course and do another six weeks with a new goal if you want to, but it is early days and pretty time consuming although only a couple of times a week. Will see how it goes but will try to stick with it. Using the massage balls too.
