Tuesday 27 April 2021

Oh for a small garden!

Today is Morse Code day, I wonder how many people actually know Morse Code now?
The promised rain really didn’t arrive, it drizzled enough to make the path wet for about five minutes, so not much use to the plants!
This morning I cleared up from yesterday and then Darren helped me do a bit more to the jigsaw, it is coming along pretty well.
Tina was out for lunch today so Darren took me up to Freeport to look at the shops and then we had a toasted sandwich. I had a voucher for The Works and it was just the right amount for a really nice new jigsaw board. My old one is well used and falling apart now and I got two 1000 piece jigsaws for my birthday.

I also bought a new pair of slip on sandals from Pavers, they are similar to a pair I really like but are getting a bit tatty now,
Although it was quite chilly I did go round to visit Lesley and had a cup of tea with her in the garden. Her garden is just a perfect size, well established and natural and very small!

A dream garden methinks!
I did do a second session of the exercises so am hoping that will not mean another painful night when my knees rebel!
Have written some notes and have enjoyed the jewellery program again.
May try and be a bit more active tomorrow!


  1. I think radio amateurs still have to do Morse code to get their license and I’m sure it still in use quite a lot on ships.
    We had about five minutes of rain here too at teatime. It just about wetted the tops of the car roofs. It’ll come down in buckets full before too long and then we will all moan because it’s too wet!
    Glad you got out for a while with Darren. Like your new shoes.
    I do like Lesley’s garden. As you say a nice compact size too. Very well established so probably not too much work to keep under control. You can just wish…..😊
    I really hope the exercise doesn’t make you suffer again like the last time. 🤞🏻
    The jewellery program was good. There have been some good craft programs on the telly lately.

    1. A fairly quiet day again which was nice, have been getting up really early and feel pretty tired by the evening, will endeavour to be livelier tomorrow!
      I love the other shoes that are similar and they have been well worn!
      Lesley had a tamarix which doesn’t do well in her garden. One of mine will be pretty good this year I think, fingers crossed and providing a meteor doesn’t land on it!

  2. Well you’ve had just about everything else happen to Tamarix 😊
