Sunday 4 April 2021

Easter Sunday and World Rat Day

My friend used to keep rats and I quite like them, although they say we are always within a few feet of a wild rat I have rarely seen one!
It was frosty when I went out to feed the birds at about 6.30 and the bird baths were frozen! Very changeable weather at the moment, supposed to be getting snow over night!
I did go to the shop this morning but have spent most of the day trying to sort out the tea making corner in my bedroom. Have changed some furniture around and thrown more stuff away. It is a very confined area but I think I have got it more workable, providing I keep it tidy, that could be the fly in the ointment!
I went round to the parish hall with Tina this afternoon to help her mark out seat spacing for an open air service. We had the six foot canes and used red cones. A couple of the congregation came nearer service time and were gong to start putting the chairs out j the markers.
So just cooking dinner and sorting made it a pretty poor photo day so took some pictures in the garden when I went out to put the fox food down. Oh yes, I forgot that Tina had rescued a very tiny mouse from Blue this morning and after keeping it in a bus with some hay for a bit for it to dry off and recover we took it it to the hedgehog house. Checked this evening and it was gone, so we are hopeful that it has got away after it’s ordeal.
Back to the photos, two of brunera plants, one in full flower and the other one showing off the leaves better, and then some pretty primulas.

Line of Duty now!


  1. It has been a lovely day today, hard to believe that it is supposed to change so drastically tomorrow. Sounds like you’ve kept pretty busy. You must be pleased at the progress you’re making. It’ll be so tidy and sorted soon that you’ll be bored! 😊
    With the garden looking so nice these days it’s perfect for for pics on a slow photo day. The primula are so colourful. You might have to take pics of them tomorrow with snow on!
    Line Of Duty is good as usual.

  2. Yes, the flowers are a good back up plan at the moment!
    Have stuck at sorting, still a way to go but making progress.
    Line of Duty is keeping us guessing!
