Thursday 22 April 2021

Instant Book Day!

Mmm, instant book day, perhaps I should set too and pen that book I have been going to write for years! In the real world I went out with Sarah and David this morning to an eating place in Ulrome where we met up with Eileen to celebrate her birthday which is on Saturday.
When I got home my package was on the doorstop, it is not one massage ball, but two, so I can do both legs at the same time! They were very reasonably priced and look quite funky!
There is a link for some exercises to download, so I will do that later.
I got a bit chilled when we were sitting chatting and having lunch and didn’t feel too energetic this afternoon. But I did potter in the walled garden, we had a rose in a planter which I took out and have planted in the garden. It was in a flowerpot but I filled the planter with compost this time and put the everlasting sweet pea and some annual sweet peas in it.
I cleared off the stone bench and moved one of the planter onto it and put a plant into the cup and saucer that I bought a while ago.
One of the ducks appeared in the garden this morning, I went to collect my camera but when I went outside I spooked them and they flew away. This evening he was back with his lady, I just took a picture through the window with my phone!
I watered the walled garden and the back garden this evening, that took getting on for an hour. I will maybe get the front done tomorrow!
What was nice today was that I got a load of washing dried out on the line, I have been hoping for rain but glad it stayed dry today!


  1. Instant book day is an odd one.
    You went where with Sarah and David? I think your autocorrect is playing with you again. You are getting out and about a lot since the lockdown has eased a bit. But that’s a good thing.
    The massage balls do look funky. I’ll be interested to hear how you get on with them and more to the point if they do any good. Worth a try.
    The walled garden is looking good. I do like the cup and saucer. I really hope the frost doesn’t get to that.
    Wish I had as much wildlife on my lawn as you do. I’m lucky if I see a pigeon and a sparrow! A duck would be nice occasionally. Does Philip still visit?
    Not sure if it’s best to get your clothes dried outside and put up with the watering chores, or have some rain and dry your clothes inside. You’ll be moaning another day when it’s raining all day 😊

  2. Definitely went to Ulrome! A village about ten minutes drive away.
    Going to try the balls this evening.

  3. It’s a weird name, I thought it was a spelling mistake 😊 Good job I’m not a taxi driver!
