Monday 12 April 2021

Two thirty or tooth hurty!

More about the heading later! Today is Drop Everything and Read Day, may just do that in a bit!
It has been quite an eventful day today, mostly good, one bit not so good. 
Tina drove me into Hull for my hospital appointment with the knee surgeon. Firstly xrays and on both knees, which was a good start. Mr Johnson was happy with the operated knee and said he thought I was walking very well, which was a boost. We discussed the right knee and I said I would now think about having the second op. He will have a telephone consultation with me in July and if I want to go ahead he will put me on his list, but if I think all is well by then then it will be deferred. So that was a pretty good consultation.
When we got home I wrote a quick note to a local lady who has said she will come a do a bit of weeding in the garden with me. She had left a note for me and I wanted to reply to say perhaps we can get together next week. I took the note round to her house and took this photo of the church on my way back.
After lunch I had a choking fit, not unusual but this ne was really bad. I opening a bag of sweets which ai thought were boiled so I could suck one and lubricate my throat. I got a toffee and decided to suck it anyway, I should have known better! It suddenly felt hard and I knew it didn’t have nuts in, the top of a filling had completely come away! I retrieved it with it breaking but it still left me with a broken tooth and just before we were about to go away! I phoned the dentist but they were closed for lunch! So for a change walked to the post office to send off a package! Did walk up to see the sea, and what a difference from the two directions. It has been hailing when I set out!

On the way back I phoned the dentist again and they could fit me in today at two thirty, or tooth hurty! Have to see the funny side. An unexpected expense but the dentist managed to raceme the the piece I had kept back onto the tooth. It is a temporary filling but will hopefully last a good while. Time for a cuppa indoors before ai went off to have my hair cut, the first time since before Christmas. Pleased with the cut as always, Sal and Carole both worked on my hair, but not together this time!
This evening I have been up and down the stairs a few times, trying to get everything I will be taking to deliver on Wednesday all in one place.
So, may retire early and read to link in to this celebratory day!


  1. Definitely an eventful day. The surgeon sounds a really nice man. It would be good if you could get the other one done and sorted, but it’s a lot to go through again I suppose. You’ll have to decide nearer to the time what you want to do. But at least you have options.
    Very arty church pic.
    Everyone says sweets are bad for you and you just proved them right. What a pain for it to happen now though when you are just about to get away. At least they managed to fit you in and sort it out, and at least your bank doesn’t have so much money to look after now!
    The two beach shots are amazingly different. You’d never think they were taken one after the other.
    The hair looks nice as usual, and you were very lucky to get in today to have it done. Most hairdressers have queues of people waiting.
    Hopefully everything else will go fine between now and Wednesday and your trip will go without any problems 🤞🏻
    Retiring early this evening is probably a good idea, being in bed is probably the safest place for you, as long as you don’t spill your drink 😊

    1. It seems to have been a busy day, but on the whole a good one.
      I know my teeth are fragile, haven’t had a breakage for a while though!
      Mr Johnson, the surgeon is great, really listens to you and tries to accommodate your wishes.
