Wednesday 14 April 2021

Road trip - hoorah, here come the Christmas cakes!

The big day arrived, after several cancellations, the first one in December! A beautiful day, it was cold early on with frozen bird baths again. Headed to Hull and to the bridge, one of my favourite places. 

Some lovely clouds on the way too.
When we got to Peterborough we began delivering cakes, presents and various other things. First stop Anya’s where I also collected some presents. Then to Mike, both of then I will see for a bit longer tomorrow. Then we went to my sister who’s was looking really well, as was my niece Rose. Had a drink and a good catch up chat with them. Took a photo of this front door just down the road from them, it made us smile!
The only traffic we hit was on the way to Whittlesey, lots of building work and congestion. Building work going on near our digs so we couldn’t park too close, but it was worth it when we saw the cottage!

This is my little bedroom!
After tea we opened presents, this jigsaw should be fun and then probably be kept!
Relaxing now after out exciting day!


  1. It is a great bridge isn’t it? I must admit that I used to look forward to driving over it. It’s been a great day for a road trip too. Hopefully the next few days will be as nice for your stay down south.
    Glad to hear Margherita and Rose are doing okay. I really must try to get to see them myself at some point soon. I love the Jehovah’s Witnesses sign on the door 😊
    What a great place to stay. Well worth the wait I think. So much nicer than a Premier Inn.
    Looking forward to spending a bit of time with you tomorrow and having a good natter. Enjoy the rest of your evening.

    1. A good day and lovely to see people and more chats and catch ups tomorrow.
      We are relaxing in this delightful cottage this evening,
