Saturday 10 April 2021

Happy Birthday Darren!

A quiet day but I think Darren has had a good day. Starting with birthday cake for breakfast set the mood for the day!
Tina went out and collected take away afternoon teas again so that was us set up with food for the rest of the day!
They were amazing again and the trays are useful afterwards!
I did walk down to the post office and sent off another package, have managed to sell quite a few bits, but not for a lot of money!
I have felt particularly tired and lacking energy today so had a pretty quiet afternoon! Pandora settled on me for a while, she is getting more of a lap cat these days.
The couple next door with the bar offered us a planter, they assembled it as a bench but it is big. Will take a photo tomorrow. While I was waiting for them to arrive I took some pictures of the tubs that I replanted last year.

When I out the fox food out I took a picture of the sky again, it is almost monochrome.
One of our pair of seagulls often natters at me when I am putting the fox food out and we have a bit of a conversation, here he/she is!
I went round to the church to help Tina set up for tomorrow, the light was shining through a small piece of stained glas and throwing light onto a notice board, quite a good effect!

The couple next door also gave up some out of date drinks that are fine but they are not allowed to sell. I am trying this orange flavoured ginger ale and it is really nice!
Casualty now!


  1. Happy birthday Darren. Cake for breakfast sounds a wonderful idea, specially as a birthday treat. And you need all that sugary goodness to keep you going for the day. Well most of the day anyway seeing as you have enough sandwiches and cake to last the whole weekend by the looks of it!
    It’s good your eBay items are selling, even if they’re not all making a great deal. Still better than giving them away or worse still throwing them away!
    The tubs of plants look very colourful, very nice. The new planter from next door sounds interesting, I look forward to seeing that.
    I bet that drink tasted very good. Sounds like my sort of thing.
    I really like your Photo from inside the church. The shadow on the wall looks really nice and the blob of colour just finishes it off nicely.
    Another mixed and good day for you again. Enjoy Casualty.

    1. It has been a good day even though I have been feeling a bit out of it today.
      Those take away teas are really good, much too big really though!
      I love those tubs this year, they needed re doing as they were really full of roots! Story of my life these days!
      I was pleased I had the phone with me in the church to catch the sun on the glass.
