Saturday 25 April 2020

Pretty quiet day

Last night I made two more face masks, they do challenge me but if I carry on I am sure they will come easier!
This morning I went out into the garden early to feed the birds, the bird baths and water bowls go down well with the wildlife and the not so wildlife!
I went out soon after that to have a walk, I managed to do thirty five minutes non stop walking, not quickly but steadily. Was a bit puffed out and I had put knee supports on both knees. I opening the side gate so that I could walk round the front and back gardens, there are so many tulips in the front bed they are fabulous.
A couple of deliveries came today, one was lovely flowers of the letter box variety from Anya and family, they have already started to open up since I took this.
Talking of Anya she sent me this picture from five years ago when we had a weekend in York.
A lovely memory. 
I have been working on some thank you cards but they are not finished so will post a picture tomorrow.


  1. The masks look good. The brown one looks like it’s made from suede or soft leather very funky. Another 10 or 20 and you’ll be knocking them out easily!
    The garden is ideal for walking round. Lots of nice colour and wildlife to look at as you go. My hallway is a bit bland!
    The letter box flowers are lovely. It’s clever how they manage to fit them into such a small box without them getting damaged.
    Blimey, Isobel looks very young in that pic 😊
    Enjoy the rest of your evening, and take it easy.

  2. It is good walking round at the moment, plenty of flowers and wild life. Will make an effort to get some walking done each day and see if the knees improve, ever the optimist!
    The flowers are opening beautifully.
    Those five years really show the difference with children, I’ll much the same!

  3. I think this one from 5 years ago was actually in that restaurarnt near the bay in Scarborough. We went to York 3 years ago.

    1. Don’t forget she’s old and dithery these days, and the memory is going 😀

  4. That's true, she is *very* old.

  5. Oh well, lovely memory anyway! Can’t help being senile!
