Sunday 26 April 2020

Happy birthday to me!

This morning I went out pretty early to feed the birds and sat in the chair in the garden for a bit. The seagulls visited both the watering holes!

This unintentional action shot turned out quite well!
We have a small twig of an apple tree, a Hornsea apple I believe, planted it last year and at that time dug a small bed for it to sit in. The tree is now dwarfed by a triffid thistle plant!!
I looked at the sky and thought my rain dance may have been successful, but sadly not as it turns out!
As I got into the walled garden I could hear a strange tapping sound. It was a wren getting very agitated at the mirror, so much so it didn’t fly off when I stopped. It kept going for quite a while and then to my dismay feel exhausted to the ground! It quickly flew over the wall but I was thinking cats!
I went in to have a cuppa and then got my outdoor shoes on to have a walk round the garden, the wren was back and just as agitated. I tried to get a bit closer as I only had the phone, he/she took no notice.

My photos are usually as I take them, but I tried cropping the best shot of the wren.
I only walked for just over twenty minutes today as Darren called out of the window and he had made me a cup of tea. I didn’t need a lot of excuse!
Tina came in to be with me when I opened the cards and a love chocolate hamper from Angie. The card from Darren and Tina is so unusual and pretty.
The flowers that came from Anya and family yesterday have opened beautifully today.
Anya had also sent a parcel from them and I opened it while we were having Face Time so that they could see me. Some lovely bits and pieces including more chocolate! But the main thing was a very tiny and most beautiful bronze wren. I have put it by a 5p in the picture.
After lunch I had a short ride out in the car. Tina had some deliveries to make, I didn’t get out of the car, even when she drove back via the sea! This afternoon I wrote on some of the cards that I made last night.
Struggle to get them cut cleanly with the die cutting machine but got there in the end, will need a trip to the post box in the morning now! I went out to water in the gardens as Tina was getting dinner. Mike had suggested I use Windowlene to make the Morrow less attractive to the wren, so did that on the way out. The tin man really needs to be dismantled now!
The sky is still overcast, but I have a feeling the rain will pass us by again.
Dinner was really good but lefty of it, so we will have the dainty cake with the even dainties candles when we watch Van Der Valk later!
So, despite the lockdown a very enjoyable birthday.


  1. Sounds like you’ve had a really nice day for your birthday, and you’ve managed not to do quite as much as usual.
    Quite nice sitting out there when you’ve fed the birds. I’d take a drink out and start the day out there watching them all, unless it’s raining of course! You managed to catch lots of motion in that pic even though you didn’t intend to. It’s quite often the accidental shots that come out the best.
    The wrens are so tiny, but very cute. I know the problems you’ve had with wrens and cats before, so I hope the Windowlene helps in stopping them getting so excited by their own reflection. Worth a try.
    You got some great pressies. The wren from Anya was very apt after the one in the garden earlier. The chocolate hamper from Angie sounds good. You can never have too much chocolate. I must tell her when my birthday is 😊 The card from Darren and Tina is very unusual. Not seen one like that before.
    Love the cake. The candles are totally overkill, really good! Make sure you have a fire extinguisher handy when you light them 😊
    Enjoy what’s left of your birthday. Nearly all over for another year.

    1. Third attempt, so will keep it short then it will publish.
      Had a good day, caught up with some family and friends and had lovely gifts and cards. A good lockdown day!
