Sunday 19 April 2020

Same old same old.......

I didn’t have a great night, my hands have decided to go into overdrive and give me extra grief! Wasn’t feeling too lively this morning but was out just after seven feeding the birds. Sally and Harry, our seagull couple are getting quite brave as are the pigeons, took these picks standing in the greenhouse door!

I had a video chat with Anya this morning and forgot to mention that I had a link up with the family in America yesterday. After lunch I did go out into the garden and wanted to start clearing the area leading up to the summer house from where we got to yesterday.
When I had a break for a cuppa we were watching the bowl on the garden table that we have had there for a few weeks now as an extra bird bath. A bit more stable for the seagulls. We have seen various birds on there and even the squirrel but today went one better, we had a Blue!
Pandora, who singles me out to be bitten on a regular basis has taken to sitting on Tina occasionally and without biting!

I worked harder than I had intended but did wear wrist supports today. I always struggle to take the photos from the same position but it gives a good idea!


  1. Harry and Sally. You watch too many films 😊 They’re all brave, but I suppose feeding their faces takes priority over everything else. They probably know they can move faster than you can too!
    With all the video apps available now we’ll never need to go out again. It’s good you get to see the rest of the clan occasionally though. What would we do without the internet.
    The cat looks very comfy on Tina’s lap and Tina looks very happy to have her there. You’re obviously just there for biting! Looks like Blue is contemplating a drink or a bath. Decisions.
    The bit of garden you did looks good. I’m sure you’ve done way more than you should have though. Hopefully the supports will have helped a bit. No doubt you’ll find out later.

  2. Not such a full day, but feeling well weary this evening,
    We will get round the garden and then start at the beginning again but hopefully smaller weeds next time!
    Pandora definitely has a love hate relationaship with me, she often is purring while she is biting!
    May give the gardening a rest tomorrow, will see how the hands are in the morning,
