Tuesday 28 April 2020

Slow start, must be my age!

I took a while to liven up today and didn’t feel like doing much of anything! I did walk, indoors for just over twenty minutes to try not to let the practice slip completely! I did some washing and as the rain is still missing Hornsea got it out on the line and it almost dried. Then I started sorting through the clothes, deciding what to pack away so that I have room to get some t shirts out! After lunch I did get out into the garden for over an hour. I weeded the very full bed in the front garden. Well, I weeded the side that faces the road. I took the photos at different angles, no surprise there, and it will be hard to tell because of the distance that I had done anything. But that pink truck was almost full so I know I did!
Almost forgot to mention that I got more letter box flowers today, this time from Rachel and family, so I did have to get them into a vase. Love colours and very different to my other arrangement.
This afternoon I have made a couple more crosses, w have a mouth pegs for me to make another three.
I went out to water the bonsai trees but decided to chance not watering the gardens in the vague hope that the rain might arrive. Took this picture of the muted sun behind the clouds because it caught my eye!
Still not feeling over lively so will find something to watch on tv. Probably Portrait Artist of the Year!


  1. Well considering you didn’t feel like doing anything you ended up doing plenty! You can see the difference in the before and after pics of the front bed. Hopefully the rain will head your way tomorrow and give all the plants, and sadly the weeds a good watering. Plus it’ll probably stop you slaving away out there for a while 😊
    You had some nice flowers for your birthday. It’s a good job you’ve collected a few jars over the years!
    Have you got to paint the crosses once you made them?
    That sky really does look like rain, but still a nice pic still.

  2. I am not painting the peg crosses, well, not at the moment anyway.
    The weeds in that bed were among the flowers but only managed to kill one tulip!
    Ever hopeful that we will at least get a little rain.
