Thursday 23 April 2020

Getting back to it!

This morning I took another photo when I had been feeding the birds, Harry and Sally both in the frame eating together!
I sat out in the chair for a little while and took a picture of the trees, as you do!

Coming back through the walled garden and looking at the bonsai trees I spotted this bee. Out of focus as the sun was on the screen so hard to see when using the phone.
Tina sent for some still from a small shop in Beverley yesterday, they send out food in brown bags for you to refill your containers. One of the items was bread flower, so thought I had better use some today! The loaf turned out well, although I didn’t knead it for the full ten minutes!
I did go out in the garden for a while this afternoon and started to tidy up the bed in front of the greenhouse. Couldn’t dig it too much as there are a lot of gladioli bulbs in there just starting to pop through. I will have to lift them in the autumn so that the bed can be dug properly and then replant them in the spring.

Have done a couple more logic puzzles, another wrong and one right!
Clap for the NHS and front line workers tonight, or in my case band a saucepan with a spoon!


  1. Wonder if you get any little Harry and Sallys? Although I don’t think they’d actually be that little!
    I think I’d take pics of the trees if I were sitting in your garden. Seems a shame not to.
    I struggle to get close up shots even with a big camera, so for a phone I think you do extremely well. Plenty more opportunities will arise through the next few months I’m sure.
    That looks a really good loaf of bread. The kitchen always smells so nice when baking bread too. Plus I bet it tastes good. Definitely won’t last long.
    Glad you didn’t spend too long slaving in the garden today. The bit you did looks good.
    Hope you encourage more people to join the clapping/banging session tonight.

  2. I think Harry and Sally are probably nesting on the chimney above my sitting room, so it might be them and their offspring later in the year! They see any other seagulls who try to land off!
    The house did smell nice with bread cooking, and we certainly enjoyed some for our lunch.
    Someone was banging a saucepan somewhere and our neighbours were out again this week.
