Friday 24 April 2020

Great sky last night, cloudy this evening

I will start with a couple of shots from the sky yesterday evening, very colourful!

Not a lot of pictures today although I have kept quite busy. I was beginning to find it quite difficult and painful to walk so have started trying to walk around the garden for a while each day. Managed thirty minutes today, will be happy if I can keep to that and speed up a bit!
Then I did some household chores, I really like the floor mop with the spray bottle, works well and the floors are pretty much dry straight away.
I thinned my hair out at the beginning of the lockdown, went for thinning scissors! Today I decided I needed to attack it again, my hair is really thick!
Removed a lot of hair!
Not a bad job though!
I have been out with the hose this evening, my rain dance hasn’t worked yet!
I have been driving myself mad with the logic puzzles. In case you don’t know what I mean I will add a picture. Feel free to dive yourself crazy! I have messed up more than I have completed but I have over forty more to get the hang of it!
Good luck if you have a go!


  1. Love the first pic of the sky. You’ve got a great collection of sunset, and sunrises in your collection. I’m quite envious.
    Thirty minutes walking around the garden is pretty good, specially if you do it every day. Maybe a bit slippy in your wellies walking around the lawn in the pouring rain though!
    The hair looks good. I think you made a good job of it. I really should have a go at mine soon.
    I’m glad you struggle with the puzzles as I appear to be totally useless at them! I’ll have another go at that one tomorrow, but I’m not expecting to get far. You need to upload a pic once you’ve solved it.

  2. Love logic puzzles! Just reading about them yesterday started me craving one, so I bought a puzzle book during an essential shopping run!

  3. The internet is not playing again, can’t publish replies, but will keep trying.
    Have had some great sky shots since living ‘up north’, think being near the coast helps too.
    Happy to have thinned the hair, when the scissors Tina has ordered arrive I will be cutting hers.
    I will battle on with the logic puzzles......

  4. Enjoy your puzzle book, you have to be way better at them than I am!!
