Friday 17 April 2020

Another section of garden attacked!

I went out just after six to post some letters, I think the sunrise would have been good over the sea today, really lovely mottled sky.

Going out of sync again but I went out and took a picture of the cross n the front garden last night. On Easter Saturday evening I helped her get the lights put n it and hadn’t realised she had them on a timer and they were still lighting up.
Very dark, but you get the idea!
Today is Darren and Tina’s wedding anniversary, I did make a card earlier in the week and this morning I made a chocolate cake. Not one I had made before, this one had melted plain chocolate in the cake mix. I melted some milk and white chocolate together for the topping. Still no icing sugar to be had in local shops!

While the cake was cooking I made a batch of coconut feeders for the birds, getting a dab hand at it now!
Tina went to the shops for me with a list this morning and brought back some very pretty tulips, they really are unusual.
I nearly forgot to mention the very odd string of leaves hanging outside my sitting room window! The cat made me notice it this morning as it is blowing about in the wind. The threads are hanging from the gutter to below my large window! Most odd......

Before lunch I went out for an hour or so, my intention today was to carry n with the path made of wooden edging and to clear the area behind the large bed that is near the summer house. A lot of quite large plants there and the bushes have spread out again too. The pavers near the bushes were overgrown and I couldn’t walk on them because of the growth.

Got this far with the path before coming in for lunch.
Had another good session after lunch and cleared everything away by 4 pm as I was cooking t a for the anniversary couple.

Dinner turned out well, I think it was the best toad in the hole I have ever cooked! The cake has a nice texture but is a little dry.
I only watered the bonsai trees tonight and three lupins which I will hopefully get planted tomorrow. Felt too weary to do a full watering tonight and it has not been so hot so not so essential.


  1. I’ve never known anyone with so many letters to post! Lovely sky though. Very different. Good job there’s not so much traffic about, looks like you were standing in the middle of the road taking pics!
    That’s a nice anniversary card, and cake. Cooked a meal for them too. You have spoiled them. Best ever toad in the hole sounds good to me 😊
    The string of leaves is a bit odd. If it’s spider thread then I wouldn’t want to meet the one that spun it! Maybe someone lost their kite and that’s the string for it. Keeps the cats amused looking at it though.
    You really have done a lot in the garden today. It does look good. Using those edgings as a path was a really good idea. It looks very effective. I’m sure you must be totally knackered this evening, so I’m not surprised you didn’t fancy watering.
    Maybe an easier day tomorrow? I won’t hold my breath for the right answer.

  2. There wasn’t much traffic and I did stand in the road!
    All in all a full day, so not too surprising I feel a bit weary. Not planning to be too busy tomorrow but you never know!
    That thread is pretty strong as it has been blowing about all day. That would be one funky spider if it is spider silk!
    I put some soil on the edging, when we have had a bit of rain the colour will weather a bit.
