Thursday 9 April 2020

Fabulous moon again, still not pink!

Last night I was told that the moon should be good to view again. It was, and this time more yellow and some cloud which I did manage to catch as well, so will post a few.

This morning I had a go at making some hot cross buns, didn’t have bread flour or fresh yeast but tried anyway. They smelt good, looked fine and tasted okay!
I also made a fruit cake from a Ringtons mix. Our rep gave it to us and the kit even contained the baking case! It seems to have turned out well.
This afternoon I had a twenty minute walk round the back garden and Steve erected a cross in the front!
I sat on the bench outside for a while as we were expecting a delivery and Tina didn’t want the bell going in the middle of her service. Both the cats were on the bench with me for a short time.
Obviously the best of friends as always!
Got off the grounds briefly tonight, I went to the parish hall with Tina to water the orchids!
Tonight is clapping night and we will be out there in full voice, even if we are the only ones in this area!!


  1. The moon pics are great. I prefer the yellow to pink anyway 😊 Looks like you had a steadier hand last night.
    The hot cross buns won’t last very long in your household. I know a young man, we’ll not so young now, who’ll soon devour them. The fruit cake looks good too considering it was a kit. Free as well that’s even better!
    Hope no one decides to cheekily decorate the cross later tonight. But in theory they shouldn’t be out anyway.
    Quite a busy day for you today again. Feet up with a hot cross bun tonight I think.

  2. Managing to fill the days, that’s for sure! Don’t think things will be changing any time soon, so maybe back to the garden tomorrow. It is Darren’s birthday but we won’t be going out anywhere, if the weather is good maybe he will shoot for a while.
    I really liked the yellow tinged moon.
