Sunday 5 April 2020

Palm Sunday and rockery constructing

Tina has been working hard making the dining room like a replacement church as she is not allowed to stream her services from inside the church. Today being Palm Sunday she stated outside, I took one picture through the porch window, then let myself out the side gate to see her walking with the palms but I didn’t want to distract her. She then went back indoors to take the rest of the service. She has quite a lot of people watching her live now with others being able to catch up with it later.

I did a load of washing this morning and managed to get it all dry out on the line which is great.
After lunch I asked it Tina would like to help me sort out the broken steps and start getting the rockery made. We had a good session, Tina getting soil while I tidied the area and then she pushed the barrow when we were collecting suitable rocks.
That was how it had been, Darren had helped me with the turfs and Lucian had removed that large chunk of brick and concrete for us last week. This is how it was before putting a few plants in later after we had been working.
Following strict social distancing a friend of Tina’s who is an archer came in though the side gate of the garden to get some practice in with Darren. She is a more experienced archer and will be able to give him some tips.
We had a few plants that I could put in the rockery and I had saved some moss from when I was repotting the bonsai trees. And we got the garden ornaments out of storage too.
We are very pleased with the result and will get some more plants in a while.
Going to watch the Queen in a bit and then have The Nest to watch.


  1. I think the first pic of the Rev through the glass is great! I’d crop a bit off the top and a bit off the right to lose what looks like to be a wire, then get it printed. Did she stream the bit in the garden as well as the service inside? Couldn’t see a camera in the pics.
    The pair of you made a good job of the rockery. The steps were a bit unsafe and that make much more sense. The animals set it off nicely. Should look really nice once the flowers start to spread. All in all a job well done and you’ve made good use of the nice weather.
    Nice to see Darren had a fellow archer there for a while. Hopefully it’ll be a regular thing while this lockdown is on.

  2. It was a good job done, it has been an eyesore since the steps were smashed up. I really like it now and so pleased I discovered that tree stump a while ago, makes a nice feature on there.
    I hope the archery practice continues, Darren will get good use from that piece of kit.
    Tina was streaming when she was stood outside the porch, not sure it she did while she was walking round.
