Friday 3 April 2020

Three guesses!

I took a picture of the sky yesterday evening and forgot to add it to the post, so will start with it today!
We had had some good days, too good, I keep seeing everything that still needs doing in the garden! I coloured another one of the black pictures last night and also made a card using things I had stamped and cut and not used!

This morning was very boring, I sorted out my kitchen cupboards, threw out of dat foodstuff out and put some tins etc ready for a charity shop or sale, but goodness knows how long they will sit there!
This afternoon I went into the back garden and thought I would get on with weeding and hoeing the big bed round the lawn. I ended up doing a solid hour and a half, maybe a little longer, got right round to the summer house! The ground had set like concrete on top so the hands were given a challenge!
Took a picture when I had finished and just put four plants in. Had planned to do more but enough is enough.
I made a pasta bake for tea, I usually use a jar of sauce but we didn’t have one so I made up a sauce as I went along. It was actually really tasty.
After tea I went out to water the garden with the hose. Took another picture because it looks so much better when it is watered and the soil is a bit like dust, especially at the bottom. It really could do with top soil or some good manure!
The new grass path seems to be surviving at the moment. I took a picture of the sky because it looked like it could hold rain. A false hope, it brightened up!
Feeling a bit weary but Have I Got News For You is back, so I will enjoy that before an early night!


  1. That sky does look nice. Supposed to be nice weather for a few days now so you should get more nice skies.
    Looks like you’ve done a fair bit today with the sorting, gardening and cooking. Hope you don’t suffer from overdoing it tonight. The garden does look great though. It looks huge from those couple of pics, but I know how much bigger it actually is. I also remember how bad it was when you moved in. You’ve transformed it! If we could have gatherings the Rev could have a garden party 😊
    I wouldn’t bother putting that hose away, I think you’re going to be watering for a few days to come!

  2. Might not be seeing skies over the sea, but we have quite a nice aspect in the evening if the sky is looking good.
    It is hard to imagine what the garden was like, may try and go back and find some pictures, it would be interesting.
    I agree, I think more watering will be needed, especially as I have more plants to get in.
