Wednesday 29 April 2020

A bit more gardening and a drizzle of rain!

This morning I went out and dais a bit of gardening, decided to try and do the back of the large bed that I started yesterday. One day I will get the before and after pictures spot on! I worked for over an hour and removed a lot of grass and weed again.mi had hoped to work round to the rockery but when I got to the bush I had had enough!

I had the loppers out in the front garden so I cut off the stems of the old yucca flowers which I had been meaning to do for quite some time. You can see where the fire was on Easter Day in that photo if you look closely!
I had a twenty minute walk indoors as my knees were quite sore today. 
I had ordered some things from The Refill Jar, a small shop in Beverley who only add a £2 delivery charge. Lots of nice treats, but some healthy. Also some Ecover washing up liquid refill and a very nice bamboo nail brush.
I had a gentle walk around the garden this afternoon, took a picture of the apple tree.
The proper rain really didn’t arrive, it has been drizzly but has barely coloured the soil! If I do a rain dance maybe some will arrive over night!


  1. That bed looks really nice now. Not surprised you stopped when you reached the bush as it looks like you did enough toiling. Definitely worth it though.
    The Refill Jar is a great idea. I love the way it comes wrapped in brown paper bags and not plastic! Bring back ye good olde days when most shops used them. So much more tactile and nice.
    Should think your pooped after the gardening and walking. Hopefully it’ll throw it down with rain tonight....or one of these nights!

  2. Rain would be good, enough to make gardening difficult tomorrow would be good!
    It is good to have that bed tidied, there are quite a lot of gladioli in there just starting to come through.
    When we are allowed out and about again Tina and I are going to go to The Refill Jar in Beverley and keep supporting them.
