Wednesday 15 April 2020

Much busier day!

This morning I was up before six, not because I am ultra keen but because there are only so many times I can move across the bed to hang a numb hand out! I went to the post box early and then fed the birds in the garden, indoors making a cup just after 6.30am! A couple of shots from the early morning antics.

After a morning cup of tea withTina I went out to the back garden with the intention of  clearing the side of the back garden next to the wall. It was a jungle when we moved in and even last year ended up very wild.
I worked out there for much longer than I have done in a while. Certainly can’t be described as enjoyable work, it was pretty hard going but if we are to get the garden we want it isn’t all going to be enjoyable. The ground was very hard and there is a lot of ground elder along with general weeds, sticky weed, branmles, nettles and of course Spanish bluebells!
I was pretty hot this afternoon when I had a break so sat in the shade on the patio and took a picture of the bed from that angle.
I took a picture of these pansies because they had such pretty faces!
I went and sat in the summer house far a while and did take the camera so a bit of wildlife!
Before I went out to water the gardens the sky was unusual.
My legs are not happy at all tonight and when Tina said come down to see the sky my heart sank, but it so so worth it!
Mostly taken through windows, when I got down into the garden I didn’t have such a good view!


  1. Well from the early morning pics it shows it’s the best part of the day, so makes being up early worth it. Although I’m sure you’d rather be in bed and pain free.
    Judging by the before and after pics of the garden you did, then you really should sleep well tonight, pain or no pain. You should be really knackered after all that weeding. That’s a big old chunk you’ve done, and pretty thick weed too. Bet you ache.
    The garden does look so nice though. The pic from the patio shows it off nicely, and the new rockery looks so much better than the old steps.
    Nice to get chance to sit and take some pics of the wildlife. Think you earned a bit of a rest after the gardening.
    Great pics to finish off with tonight. The trees look completely ablaze in the second one.
    Hope you get a bit more sleep tonight.

  2. Second attempt to reply, the internet isn’t playing tonight.
    The morning light was nice and especially being able to catch the sun glinting on the church windows.
    It was a big job today but at least when the garden is bad you can see where you have been!
