Saturday 11 April 2020

Lazy day and American link up!

I decided on a lazy day today and that is exactly what it has been. A selection to pictures from the garden.

This afternoon I had a FaceTime session with the family in America, firstly Patty took a photo of me talking to them on their large tv, that’s her feet in the front!
Then Mark took a group picture!
This evening I helped Tina put lights on the cross in the front garden and then took a picture of the front bed with fabulous tulips now opening.

When I was sitting in the summer house this afternoon Tina came down and did some painting. I will get back onto it tomorrow!


  1. Glad you’ve had a nice relaxing day for a change. You should have more of them 😊 Some really nice pics today, and I have to say, showing off a very well manicured garden. Makes it worth the effort.
    Isn’t technology wonderful in these miserable times. So nice to be able to catch up with those across the pond. Sometimes the internet fairies are actually kind to us.
    Hope you get the summerhouse finished tomorrow.

  2. Should rested and up for a bit of labour tomorrow!
    I wouldn’t have done nearly so much gardening without the lockdown so need to see the positives. Yes, being able to see family that are miles away is really good.
