Monday 27 April 2020

Some gardening and a bit crafty

This morning I was up early and fed the birds. Tina had letters to post and I had three thank you letters to go as well so incorporated walking to the post box with walking round the garden, I was pretty slow and had knee supports on as my knees were sore today but did manage to get to forty minutes which ai was pleased with. After having a cuppa with Tina I went out into the front garden to work on the bed where we had had the stumps grounded away last year. Not horribly weedy but some of the ones with long tap roots, and the surface had become like concrete with the lack of rain!
Quite a few passers by said hello and some were complimentary about the garden. I had to do some digging to get the long roots out so worked on the bed for over an hour.
Some deliveries of mealworms and peanuts for the birds arrived today so I got them onto the trolley and went to decant them in the greenhouse. Today Pandora decided to get on the water bowl table, but not drinking, think she was checking the smells of the various birds!
This afternoon I went down to the summer house for a while, another picture of Pandora, this time checking out the birds on the feeders.
I did take a sketch book down and tried to do a pencil drawing of the apple tree!
I did take the big camera down too, not a lot of activity but quite a nice one of a chaffinch and some of starlings.
Although my birthday present from Darren and Tina was the lovely otter picture which I have above the tv. But on my actual birthday I got another, unframed print of an otter which Tina had bought last year when we were in Orkney! I found a frame and have now removed my Marilyn tile so that it can hang on the same wall as the bigger one.
The peg crosses we had for Remembrance Day the year before last fell apart. They are wanted now for VE Day this year so Tina ordered some pegs and I found one I quite like on the internet. Have just made one for now and it can be my pattern for more.
Feeling pretty tired tonight so will not be doing much more today.
May try and make a start on weeding the main bed in the front garden tomorrow.


  1. You and that post box! At least it was part of your walk, and forty minutes isn’t bad. Not an even surface to walk on either, so probably the equivalent to an hour. Combined with the gardening I’d guess you got more than enough exercise today. The corner bed definitely looks better after you gave it some attention. Nice light in the second pic too.
    Sadly I don’t think it’ll be long before Pandora spends most of her time chasing the wildlife and not just watching it! Hopefully she won’t catch too much of it. You could always put a long lead on her and tether her to the far end of the garden 😊
    I really like the drawing of the apple tree. Looks good as it is, and doesn’t need any colour or a background. Wish I was talented.
    Your bird pics get better each day. Some really nice ones there. Nice light again which makes all the difference. The otter pics look good together on the wall. I’m sure you’ll find a new spot for Marilyn to look down from.
    The peg cross looks ok. Did you use a good waterproof glue this time to save you having to remake them again next year? How many are you making?
    All in all a good day, bit of exercise and gardening and some nice pics. You just need chocolate to finish it off now 😊

  2. It was good starting the walk going to the post box and then carrying on when I got home. Really pleased to have worked on that bed before it got too bad as it has been a delight since we had the stumps ground down.
    The longer Pandora just looks the better, but she definitely has other ideas!
    I should get the pencils out more often, so glad I decided to sketch today.
    Getting the print framed and hung was good and I now have a pattern to follow for further crosses!
