Wednesday 22 April 2020

Slowing up!

This morning I went to the post box early and as I passed the church I spotted this ted plant bursting out of the green. Love this photo!
I went out and did the birds when I got back, sat on the chair for a bit, just had the phone with me so didn’t zoom in.
I did go into the garden and used the new edging shears, the main bed didn’t look a lot different but the path was much better.
Haven’t done a lot this afternoon, will be going out to water the garden in a bit. I sent for a book of logic puzzles as I am really bad at them! I have managed to get the first two wrong so 48 more to struggle with. Took me ages to get them wrong!
Will try to be a bit more lively tomorrow.


  1. That is a good photo. I like the angles and how the church looks a bit misty.
    I think it’s nice to take some ordinary pics of the birds and garden occasionally. By ordinary I mean not zoomed in. Quite like the first of the two with the summerhouse in the background with lots of plants and birds showing. Couple of really nice pics you’ve got today.
    Amazing night the difference it makes when the lawn edges are neat and tidy. Don’t wear those new clippers out.....although you’ve got a spare pair 😊
    Hope you get the hang of the logic puzzles. I’m sure you will. If I were crap at them, which I am, then I wouldn’t have bought a book of them to torture myself! You do like a challenge.

  2. Second attempt to respond!
    The edging shears do really make a difference and it helps to stop the lawn expanding which they tend to do!
    The gulls and pigeons are quite brave when I am in the garden putting the food out, they want to get the best pickings,
    I managed to get the third puzzle finished and right!
