Friday 10 April 2020

The fairy garden is visible again!

Can start today with the card I made for Darren’s birthday, didn’t want to put it on before the day as he does check the blog sometimes! Then I can tell the saga of the cake!
I had a Ringtons cake mix that out rep gave me in February I think, a Christmas cake kit, it even had the container to bake it in. Only had to add eggs and butter and it turned out well. Darren has always loved fruit cake, Ieven used to make rich fruit cake for the boys birthdays when they were little.
When it had cooled I was ready to get on with decorating as I had marzipan and fondant icing left over from the Christmas cakes. Only then did I realise that I had no icing sugar for rolling out or apricot glaze for ‘sticking’ the layers! Had a mini jar of marmalade and Tina suggested I tried ground almonds for rolling out. I coloured some of the fondant icing red and used an alphabet set I had to make letters, even that was a bit odd as they were not in proportion, and the red has ground almonds spots! So away I went on the improvisation cake! We haven’t tried it yet.....
This morning it was a bit overcast and I thought I would crack on with the fairy garden, even with the foxgloves removed it was impossible to see it was a fairy garden!
I soon realised that I needed to completely clear it and remove all the decoration, so more of a job that I had anticipated.
Then I put it all back and after lunch glued some of the things that had become unstuck!
Tina did take a couple of pictures of me but they come up blurred on the screen which is a shame. While I was working there were a couple of deliveries, the storage containers I ordered a while ago and the Parsley Box meals that can be stored in the cupboard. I have washed the containers and rearranged my side in the kitchen so they are not ready for use. I am delighted with them!
The meals are quite small but the real test will be how good they taste!
Just remembered there was another delivery from a clothing catalogue and I had a birthday gift enclosed, small but for once perfect!
Tina went out and collected fish and chips for tea which was really nice and she has helped me water the gardens this evening.
We will watch Have I Got News For You in a bit.


  1. Very nice card and very appropriate for the archer of the family. Hope he had a good day. The cake was a bit of a faff, but it certainly looks good, and I bet it’ll taste good too. I quite like the lettering. A bit cartoony.
    Those poor fairies really have been in the wilderness for a while. It’ll be like a breath of fresh air for them now. You may even get some more move in 😊
    I do like your containers. I’d have something like that for flour and stuff if I had the room, but my worktops are very short. You have the advantage of having such a large kitchen. Hope the cats can’t get in them!
    The meals look good, but the test will be in the tasting. Worth a try though. I look forward to your review another day.
    Fish and chips is a great way to round off the day. Even better when someone else fetches it 😊

  2. Really pleased to get that bed cleared and looking as it is meant to again. Couldn’t have removed enough of the weeds if I had tried to clear around obstacles.
    I really like the containers, will put stuff in tomorrow but wanted to make sure they are completely dry first.
    Probably won’t be sampling a meal until after the Easter weekend but will be sure to report on the taste/quality.
