Saturday 10 August 2019

Walk at Peekskill

This morning I was up by seven and went out into the pool, will miss being able to do that when I get home! Last night I was pleased to see this bedcover on y bed as I made it for Patty and Lee when they got married twenty one years ago!
After I had my swim I sat out on the deck and thought the colours of the trees in the morning sun was lovely.
Late morning we set off to Peekskill a very pretty place by the river. Patty and the children soon after we arrived.
And me with the children, what a difference a year makes!
Glad I caught the bird on top of this statue and then the children looking through it!

A couple of shots of the views.

Another sculpture.

Some family shots.

More views.

We had a reasonable walk, there was a nice breeze but the sun was very hot, I could feel it burning my neck! On the way back we had to stop for a train to go by.
Then we went into the town and found the coffee house where a relation of Patty’s was singing.
We couldn’t stay too long as the family needed to get home as they are off to the city for Kate’s birthday treat to a concert. Mark and I are going to have a meal with his grandparents this evening.


  1. You have quilts and bedcovers all over the globe, and it looks like they all get used.
    Some really nice pictures this evening. The scenery over there is so different to what we get used to seeing over here. It helps with you having some really nice weather too.
    The family shots are lovely too, but you’re going to have to stop calling them children. They look so grown up now.
    I’m really pleased you’re having such a nice time over there. You’ll come home fully refreshed, relaxed and raring to go! Well almost 😊
    Have fun.

  2. A very good day and not feeling over tired, although the walking about in the heat does take it out of me a bit.
    Peekskill is near Bear Mountain, very lovely scenery there.
