Tuesday 6 August 2019

Another gardening day!

I forgot to put on the photo of the little oyster catcher ornament I got on Saturday, very cute!
At the garden centre on Thursday we got this super little pot, greatly reduced and still quite a good price. Last year I planted a tiny cutting from the yucca and it has taken. It needed moving as I had other things to plant so it will licpve in the new pot for now.
I tidied up on the bank. Did some digging and got all the plants in. The bank is looking much better.

I hoed right round the beds and did some pruning and dead heading, then I moved all the bonsai trees into trays so that the watering will be easier for Tina if they need it. If it rains a lot then they will b fine.
I have watered the garden well, we only had a few spots of rain, maybe tomorrow.
Sarah and David popped round, seems there may be more help needed at the monthly lunches, so I have said that June, the lady in charge can have my details to discuss it.
Have done some ironing this evening so once I have made a list I can concentrate on packing tomorrow.


  1. That is cute. Extremely tiny too. I’d lose it if it were mine!
    Like the new pot, and hope the yukka grows as well as the one out front. The garden looks amazing. You’ve done a grand job of getting it all sorted before you go away, but it’s good you’re now going to have a rest. Forget about plants, weeds....and bulbs for a week or so and concentrate on a bit of relaxation. I know you could do with it.

  2. I think it is just lead, but fell in love with it.
    The pot is really unusual, fingers crossed for the yucca!
    Pleased with how the garden is looking, worth the effort.
