Saturday 17 August 2019

Sleeping in and resting!

Tina came to check on me at almost ten o clock this morning as me not appearing by then is unheard of! Twelve hours in bed is pretty much an all time record for me. The head ache is lifting now but my mouth and throat are still sore, but not feeling too bad apart from that. Was due to go out to a show tonight but decided against it. Did visit Sarah and David for a catch up this afternoon though. I have been sitting with my feet up most of the day, we did go out to the new Indian restaurant this evening, it is only five minutes walk away.
I took some pictures in the front garden, the first and fourth one have different bees on the flowers.

That final one seems quite unusual.
When I went out to feed the birds earlier I saw the cutest little field mouse in the bed near the hollyhocks. Sadly I didn’t have the phone with me, and thankfully there were no cars in the garden at the time!
All being well Darren and I will go to the boot sale tomorrow, weather and health permitting!


  1. A lay in does you good every now and then, and for you is very unusual. I wish I could sleep for twelve hours! It’d be heaven. I’m not greedy though, so eight would do.......
    The first pic with the bee in looks like one of the burrowing bees like I used to see in the park many years ago, but the last one is very unusual.
    I also think field mice are extremely cute, but then I think most mice are.
    Fingers crossed the weather stays fine for you tomorrow. Those bargains won’t buy themselves.....or the sausage baps for that matter.

  2. It has been a seriously lazy day but I am feeling much better for it.
    Yes, that does look like one of the burrowing bees, very tiny, the last one Wes tiny too.
