Saturday 24 August 2019

That time of the year again!

I will start with a picture of my grocery delivery, I wonder what I will be doing over the next few days!
Yesterday evening Tina and I went to an ‘open artists’ event at the Townhouse shop. Some rlly good cards and pottery on display all by fairly local artists and crafts people. After visiting that event we went to Atwick to go to a fund raising bingo evening. We were there a bit early so we walked up to the duck pond. Not a lot of ducks to be seen sadly.

On the way back to the village hall I noticed these steps and commented on the  ‘steps leading to nowhere’. Tina had presumed I knew what they were but enlightened my saying they are horse mounting steps! Thought they were a bit over the top for cleaning a small window that was a way above them!
Today I haven’t been out except for getting some weekend food shopping. I spent quite a long time using the strimmer and it looks a lot tidier out there but I didn’t take any picturesIt has been pretty hot today.
I think Darren will take me to the boot sale in the morning so may not start the Christmas cake marathon until Monday!


  1. Yayyyyy! I love pics like that, they’re my favourites! 😊 🍰
    I really like the first pond pic. There’s something really nice about the light on the right. I like small duck ponds. When I win the lottery I think I’ll have a house with it’s own duck pond......and some goats.
    I suppose horse mounting is the most sensible use of the steps, but they could be for tying your shoelaces.... leprechaun Olympic podium.... a small segment of the thirty nine steps....
    Hope you find some bargains tomorrow. Do you still see the nutty man?

  2. Yes, I liked the way the light caught the rock against the dark in that photo.
    We haven’t been going to the market so much lately and I haven’t been to the nutty man in a couple of months now.
    I had no idea about the steps, must be pretty old I should think.
