Monday 26 August 2019

Baking day and tea out

Not a long entry today, I have spent a good deal of it in the kitchen! I have made, cooked and cooled four more Christmas cakes. They are now wrapped up and ready for the next stage. I will try and finish the cake tomorrow while I am in the mood to get them done.
When I was feeding the birds this morning I took a picture of the deep purple gladioli. I had been sure I had bought deep ones to compliment the green ones, but the green ones are dying off now so I thought I may have imagined the combination! Obviously the memory is still a bit in tact but the gladioli developed at different times.....
When I was hanging some washing out I was thinking that I must return the bonsai trees to their stand. One of them is becoming quite autumnal now.
This afternoon I went to see Sarah and David and Sarah got us a really nice light meal. We had a good chat and I have done a couple of chores since getting home, including wrapping the now cool cakes.


  1. You’ve soon whipped through those cakes. Plenty of time to get loads of brandy in them!
    The gladioli have all put on a good show this year. You’ve had a lot of colour from them, and they’ve made great photo material. Bet they’ll be appearing in the garden next year too. You’ve kept those bonsai going for a lot of years now. The stand has done well too. Good old English oak you see. Having said that I’m trying to picture it in the walled garden but can’t. It is still in use isn’t it? My memory is atrocious!
    Roll on Christmas 😊

  2. The gladioli have been fantastic, so many and great colours. Almost worth all the bulb planting!
    Yes, the stand is in the corner by the hanging baskets, I only moved the trees off to put them in trays while I was away.

  3. Yes, I knew you moved them while you were away, but wasn’t sure if it was off of that stand or something else. I still remember making that, and doing it so it could be disassembled. Good job really as it’s done a few miles now 😊
