Tuesday 27 August 2019

More baking and back to the Fitbit

This morning and into the afternoon I made four more Christmas cakes and a not very successful sponge! I have decided not to worry about the sponges anywmore, I am just presuming that the gas pressure ‘up north’ isn’t too reliable! I needed some more parchment/foil wrap and they didn’t have any at the Coop. When the cakes were cooking I walked up to Tesco, not that far, but further than I have walked in a while. I passed by this stream.

I looked to see if they had any food covers, but no luck. We only have one, I will try to get some more for next time I am batch baking. Used a tea towel to protect the sponge while it was cooling.
All the cakes are made now thank goodness, not that the work is all done, but the big effort completed! I got dinner for Darren as Tina isn’t home until later this evening.
Rain is forecast but I have watered anyway as it often seems to miss up and it has been very hot and dry.
This afternoon I spent a while in the computer sh trying to see if they could advise me on getting photos off the iPad! They were stumped, but didn’t like being beaten so said they would look into it if I wanted to call in again another day. Two lads and they were charming and didn’t want payment for trying.
I took some pics in the garden this evening, most of the gladioli are dying off but I still have a few lovely ones aappearing.

Not sure if the distant clouds signalled any coming rain. Still dry and humid at the moment.


  1. You’ve soon whipped through those cakes. Probably doesn’t seem it to you though 😊 You can throw a cup of brandy and a bit of marzipan on one and post it to me now if you want. It’ll tide me over until Christmas 😊 The sponge cake looks quite edible to me and I’m pretty positive that Darren will feel the same. It’s got to be the rubbish northern gas that’s the problem.
    iPads are nice for some tasks but Apple don’t like people to interface easily with them, which makes transferring stuff a nightmare. You can by special usb drives that are double ended so you can transfer stuff to and fro, but they’re very expensive and you need the appropriate app to go with them. Good if you’re using it all the time I suppose, but not for occasional use. Good job you have a plethora of pooters to choose from!
    Those glads really are colourful. I could do with them all round my garden. But then I’d have to tend to them, so that’s no good!
    Hope the rain gets up there to you.

  2. I seem to have spent a lot of time in a very hot kitchen theses last few days, but good to get the first step done.
    Darren was home early and has said that we have had some rain and the storm is around.

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