Monday 5 August 2019

Keep fit and gardening

A short entry today, not a lot of photos either.
I had a dentist appointment early on and mentioned the toothI have that gets food stuck in it every time eat. The dentist did a filling, no injection necessary, then the clean and scale. I opted for a tooth coloured filling as it is fairly near the front, that turned out to be a waste of money and I am still reeling from the bill! When I got home I looked in the mirror and the tooth was not tooth coloured! Went back later and the part they had filled was out of sight!
Went to a chair aerobics session in the Floral Hall, really a lot more energetic than you would imagine. After that I walked home via the sea and had pensioners fish nd chips.

This afternoon I went back out into the garden and concentrated on defining the edges of the flower beds. Was out there for a couple of hours, a bigger job than it seems. Looks a lot neater but I only got around to getting a couple of cuttings planted.
Popped round to see Sarah for an hour or so this evening. Will try to get the rest of the plants in tomorrow, weather permitting as rain is forecast!


  1. Bad enough paying a fortune to have a dentist torture you, but worse when you can’t actually see a difference.
    A trip to the beach and a bit of aerobics followed by fish and chips sounds perfect to me. The beach looks nice, even better when it’s deserted. I think you just shoo the people away when you want to take a pic 😊
    The garden looks fantastic in that pic. You really have put a lot of work into getting like that. Such a lot of work. I really wish I knew where you got your energy from. All I’ve done is defrost a freezer and I’m knackered and ache all over from being on my knees for so long.

  2. It is surprising the difference marking out the beds neatly makes. A bit of hoeing and planting tomorrow hopefully.
    The sea was looking good today, not a lot of people on the beaches.
    Will go to the chair aerobics again, a good solid hour of exercise.
