Saturday 3 August 2019

Trip to Swine church

This morning Darren and Tina set off for their weekend away. I did some washing and got it out on the line and picked some veg from the garden. Not lots but really nice courgettes and lots of tomatoes this year.
At lunch time I went round to Sarah and David’s as we were going to an open afternoon at Swine church. I had charged my camera battery but forgot to take the camera with me! Luckily the phone was in my pocket.

It was a lovely 11th century grade one listed building. Quite simple inside with only one stained glass window. There was an organ recital which was less than inspiring and the service of the drinks and scones would have made a good comedy sketch! I did buy a little bird ornament which I will take a picture of tomorrow. I did buy a tray of orange pansies and when we dropped them off someone had left more plants by the front door.
Along with the plants we bought yesterday I will have my work cut out over the next few days!
I went back with Sarah and David and had a nice meal and then we watched a film called Fishermen’s Friends which was funny and really good.
The cats were ready to be fed when I got in and I took the washing in and moved the plants into the back garden ready for planting tomorrow, hopefully.


  1. That looks nice selection of home grown veggies. I’d be pleased with them. Can’t believe there was only one gooseberry though 😊
    That’s a really nice church, and damn good pics considering they were taken on the phone. I think you keep all the local nurseries afloat with the amount of plants you buy! I hope it stays dry for a couple of days to give you chance to get them all planted before your holiday. Won’t be long now.
    I found the film on Prime. It’s not a freebie, but I might give it a go at some point anyway. I’m a devil 😊

  2. The courgettes are rashly tasty and I have had quite a lot of tomatoes already, so pleased with that.
    Swine church was a lovely old building, very out of the way village along along single track road!
    Best get some shut eye, weather permitting it could be a busy day tomorrow!
