Friday 9 August 2019

Hello from over the pond!

A quick entry today as I have now been up well over twenty four hours, although did doze a bit on the plane. A good journey with not real hassle, did get searched and marked with a pen thing!
A few photos from the airport.

Thought that one was a bit funky!

And a couple from the car of the sky on the way to Lee’s.

We did go through a bit of a storm.
Had a game of Scrabble this evening.
Good night now.....


  1. You should start another blog. “The Trans Atlantic Blogger”. You do get about. One day it’s Beverley, another it’s New York! 😊
    Glad to hear it was an easier journey than usual. You just need to master being cryogenically frozen now to make the trip seem shorter! You’re there now though and I’m sure once your body sorts out which time zone it’s in you’ll have a great time. So take it easy and enjoy yourself.
    By the way, I like the second pic, it’s artsy 😊

  2. Awake early but it would be getting on for lunch time at home! Sure I will soon adjust.
    Thought you would appreciate that photo!
