Monday 19 August 2019

Hello Peterborough

More travelling today, it all went very smoothly and as I had almost an hour in Hull before my train I managed to get to the post office and send off some packages. I had a bit of time in Doncaster as well so took a picture of a ‘love heart’ in the shopping centre and a selfie on the station!

Mike was there to meet me at Peterborough station and we had a cuppa and a while to have a good chat before Rachel picked up up to take up to see Emmie. I used to visit her regularly whenI lived in Peterborough, she will be 99 next month and is still as sharp as ever. In fact she was going to have a game of Scrabble this evening! I showed her photos of the garden and my trip to America on my iPad.
Rachel collected us and dropped Mike her me before we came back here for tea. After tea I walked to Anya’s to deliver birthday gifts and bits from America. This was painted on the pavement by the primary school, very colourful!

I didn’t stop long as Anya and Isobel had not long been back from a weekend away but had a cuppa and a chat. Louis dropped me back at Rachel’s and we have just been watching tv. Seeing my sister and a friend tomorrow.


  1. The love heart looks great. It’s difficult to judge the size of it, but looking at the floor tiles and the do not stand sign I’d guess it’s quite big.
    It was great to see you today as always, and great to see Em too. She didn’t look any different to when I saw her last, and she is so sharp still! Puts me to shame too with her 300 scrabble scores 😊
    The pavement pic is great. They should do those all over the place to brighten the streets up.
    Enjoy the rest of your trip down in this neck of the woods, and say hi to TTT for me.

  2. The heart was pretty big, have seen things like it before but that one was really striking. I agree about colourful pavements.
    Good to see you too and Em was pleased to see you too.
