Tuesday 31 July 2018

Sea holly and bees

This morning I spent some time making a start on clearing a bed at the front of the house, it was covered in dying plants. Have been concentrating on the back but apparently someone in the town said the front garden was a disgrace. I wouldn’t go that far but it is in need of improvement. Tina sent out a request for ideas but I have decided to clear what I can of the main bed myself. The sea holly is a real bee magnet, and the bees that are attracted are not bothered by you taking pictures. I have cut it down to three!
I caught the bus up to Freeport as I wanted to get more dies and if possible some spray glue. Bought quite a lot of dies, may use some and have pics tomorrow. Aimee was on duty today and she made me a cuppa and we had a chat before I became the best customer of the day!
Darren was collecting his new car this evening and had been going to take me to Bridlington for a couple of hours while he went to one of his club meetings. But in the end he was delayed so the three of us went out for tea instead in a nearby village so I still got a ride in the new car.
The car is great and the meal was good when it arrived although the service was a tad on the slow side!
Only had to water a few bits in the garden but will be back to the whole watering thing again tomorrow I think. Have loads of gourds forming and the plants are huge!


  1. I think describing it as a disgrace is actually a disgrace! You’ve done a fair bit of work on the front, but they obviously don’t realise just how much you look after a the rear too. Too many busy bodies about these days :-)
    Your bee pics are good. They a great things to photograph as they stay still a little longer than other flying bugs, and they’re very pretty.
    Darren looks well chuffed with his new car. It looks very smart. A family trip out to christen it was a good idea too.

  2. I have seen five or six bees on one bloom of that sea holly, it is a fantastic bee magnet!
    The negative comment has spurred me to get back into the gardening, it has been so hot so will have to try and get out early or late!
    Darren’s old car did good service so lovely to see him happy with his new wheels.

  3. Just don’t go too mad with the gardening and make yourself bad. It’s real hard work even when you take it easy, and it’s a BIG garden!
