Monday 30 July 2018

Bit of card making

I stayed home this morning as there were people coming to look at the front garden to see if a group of volunteers would be able to help us get it into a more presentable state. That is looking positive. Then Tina had meeting so I stayed around to open doors, make drinks etc. I got the die cutter out and did a bit more experimenting. It will take a while to be completely conversant but did get some cards finished and even got some ready to mail.
I had a card to send to America as well so took a walk to the post office and had a look at the sea while I was out. Bit grey and back to normal today but it made a nice change.
On the way back I took a picture of the scarecrows outside one of the churches, they will all be taken down this week I should think.
I got some lunch on the way back and had that with Tina before she set off for the first aid hut. I did a bit more experimenting with the die cutter, will be a while before I get proficient but I think it will get good use.
I walked up to the hut a bit later to have a ride with Tina into Hull as she was sorting the finance for Darren’s new car. We didn’t spot it to start with but Tina saw i it as we were leaving.
We have had a Chinese take away this evening, naughty but very nice!


  1. All the cards in both pics look pretty good to me. The dragonfly one is definitely you.
    The beach is looking more British now. Dull cloudy weather and very few people!
    Darren’s new car looks very posh, and shiny. I like that. I’m sure you’ll be honoured with a trip out in it before very long.
    Not sure why, but those scarecrows look a bit creepy :-)

  2. Getting to grips with the machine, I think I like the embossing more than the cutting at the moment.
    Yes, they do look a bit creepy!
