Wednesday 18 July 2018

Afternoon in Hull

I had to be in this morning as I was expecting a delivery of some new bedding. I got the bed stripped and did some washing then had a wander round the garden. We have some huge plants beyond the greenhouse and we don’t know what they are, but they are beginning to flower now and are really quite striking!

Had to take a picture of the triffids, oh sorry, I meant gourds.
When the bed was made up I caught the bus into Hull. Cloudy skies today, that has not been something we have seen recently.

They looked stormy, but no rain has arrived. I had a bit of lunch and then had a wander around the town. This street was very attractive.
I got a couple of books at The Works and had a look at them sitting in the park. Fountains and birds to look at too.

Lovely flower beds on the way back into the town as well.

Passed this novel coffee bar on the way back to the bus station. It was open the other side with a drop down counter.
Along a stretch of the road into Hull there are many wild flower verges, absolutely lovely, pics from the bus don’t do them justice. We really must prepare and area and have a wild flower area in the garden next year.

I didn’t just have the bedding arrive today but some really cute ‘baby groot ‘ pots. SO cute........

I also got a calligraphy fountain pen with a flexible nib, so allegedly good for doing fantastic writing. It looks like a regular pen so will post fantastic writing if it works!
Have watered the garden and feeling tired, but it has been a good afternoon.


  1. A pretty busy day for you, but an afternoon out enjoying yourself is way better than doing anything else :-)
    I do like gourds, courgettes and similar looking plants, but they do have a tendency to spread themselves. But if you have a lot of room to cover then that can be a good thing. All that foliage will be good for the compost heap too.
    You’ve got some really nice pics of Hull. Lots o& colour and interesting bits, like the bird in flight and someone just entering the picture. They all add to the overall shot, and you have a great eye for stuff like that. Is the snack bar based on a tuktuk?
    You definitely need a wild flower bed in your garden. They really are pretty and will attract loads more wildlife. Hopefully stuff cats can’t catch!
    Love the pots, they really are cute :-)

  2. Yes, some nice photos even though it wasn’t such a bright day. Just as well as the bus was really hot anyway and there were no windows open until I got on! There must have been ten or more verges with the wild flowers, the councils up here do make a big effort to keep the tons and cities attractive.
    Love the pots, need to decide what to put in then, if you have ave grasses it looks like hair!

  3. You could do cress and mustard to go in a salad. Quick growing too.
