Friday 13 July 2018

Hello Peterborough again

I didn’t set off so early today and the trains were a little less crowded which was good, although the first train was oppressively hot. Before that the bus was sent on a diversion because of a short road on the way out of town being closed. It was sent down some impossibly narrow and bendy country roads,, quite a challenge for the driver.
 When I arrived in Peterborough I got a taxi to Mike’s. We had a good catch up and he showed me a couple of things on the iPad. He cooked a very tasty meal and dessert and gave me a lovely pen to add to my collection.
I got a taxi to Rachel’s house, she is away but has given me a key so that I can stay and come and go as I please. Ethan made me welcome, took my bags upstairs and made me a drink.
I took Cookie for a walk to the park, she is such a good girl when you take her out.

Lots of sniffing of course, but absolutely no trouble. Ethan went out and isn’t back tonight but Nile’s took over making sure I have everything I need.
Lovely boys Rachel, you should be proud.
Early start tomorrow, seeing Angie really early and I am hoping to see Emmie a bit later in the day, then my sister.


  1. It was really nice to see you today, and you’re most welcome to the meal and the pen. I enjoyed cooking for someone else for a change, and the pen is better with you than in the drawer as I know it’ll get used.
    Bet you’re enjoying having the two boys running about after you, and you got them to pose for pics, bet they loved that :-)
    Hope the rest of your weekend goes to plan. Take care.

  2. They are delightful boys, so a very nice ending to a good day.unite happily. Cookie is curled up next to me now so she is a happy dog.
