Thursday 5 July 2018

New bed and bird bath

When I got up I stripped the bed and got some washing on, got it dry outside which was good. I got the mattr as off the bed and turned it and the base up onto their sides and tied the electric cables to mqk it easier for the men to move. Pottered in the house and did some ironing as wasn’t sure when the bed would arrive. It came at lunch time, nice guys and they took the electric bed away first. The colour of the base is very similar to the carpet so fits in well and at the moment I just have the headboard from the other bed stood behind.

Tina and I did lie on it but the real test will be when I go to bed tonight.
Tina was odd today so she took me to the post office in Skipseq via Atwick as she wanted to check something at the church. As we turned into the lane to the church we had to stop as three young ducks were sunbathing in the road and didn’t begin to move until I got out to chase them away!
We had a very nice lunch at the Cherry Lane garden centre but it was spoilt be being oppressively hot in there. We got a strimmer for me to keep the grass paths I made tidy, we also got some citronella candles as they really do keep the flies at bay. We looked at bird baths as we are very conscious of the fact that the wildlife is struggling in this hot dry spell, but the only one they had was rather flimsy and we have to try and be vaguely cat proof. So we called in at Hornsea garden centre on the way back and got one. Have put a plastic container inside as it is rather deep and it will also discourage the birds from being on the edge and even more attractive to the cats!

This last photo is a little blurred but will post it anyway, the sunflowers are high and there was a tiny moth on one of them.
Watering done and just relaxing, bit heady tonight so nothing energetic planned.


  1. That bed looks huge. It’s probably just the fact the headboard is small, but I think you’ll have a lot more room in there than you had before. Might prove cooler and more comfortable. Hopefully a good nights sleep tonight in it.
    Never heard of hound ducks, or is that a mistake? I’m not really up on wildlife, so it’s probably just me.
    I do like the bird bath. It looks very familiar, so I must have seen one like it in Van Hage at some point. Can’t think where else it would have been. Hope it draws in the birds, but not the cats!
    You need a stepladder for photographing those sunflowers :-)

  2. It should have read hound ducks, haven’t quite got used to just how quickly this iPad decides what word you want!
    Yes, the headboard does make it look big but it is a four foot bed.

  3. It still said hound ducks in your reply. Damn spellcheck :-)

  4. Not correcting the comment, right on the blog now!
