Friday 6 July 2018

Crochet roses

This morning I went for an early walk, haven’t done that in a few days. Although everywhere is looking parched the reeds by the stream along the Trans Pennine Trail were huge because they still had water!
There was a horse in a field just nearby the stream.

I cut back through the park on the way home, it looks very empty but behind that tree were a group of four dog walkers, one of whom had very little control over their mutt!
Elaine who works at the charity shop came round for a coffee and catch up mid morning. Showed her the holiday pictures and then we had a second drink in the garden. Very nice to see. Her and we will meet up again in a few weeks and keep in touch.
This afternoon I caught the bus to Freeport to see if Abi was holding her jewellery making class at the Craft Outlet. She wasn’t, but she and Carol were on duty and between customers we had a laugh and a cuppa and Abi was teaching us how to make crochet roses.

Quite easy really and could be used to decorate all sorts of things. The hanging baskets all around the Freeport were stunning.

I walked home and other than water the garden have not been doing a lot.


  1. Very verdant looking considering the scorching weather. All that green does make for good pics though.
    Sounds like another good day for you. Always nice to have visitors, and specially good when you have a huge garden and nice sunshine. Those baskets at Freeport are glorious. That’s what hanging baskets should look like. I rarely see any decent ones around this way. The crotchet flowers look nice. I’m sure with lots of them in different colours grouped together they’d be good to cover lots of things. A cushion would look good, but then it’d be a shame to lean on it!

  2. A very pleasant day today, it wasn’t,t sunny all day so a cooler walk this morning and it has clouded a bit this evening again. It has still been very hot and dry though.
    Those baskets were glorious and outside all of the shops, a lot of effort and watering to keep them that lovely.
    The flowers are quite small but with thicker wool and a larger hook a cushion would be a possibility.
